Blog David MOnteiro

Alentejo, an excellent Portuguese region for walking - part 2/2

2:02 PM David Monteiro 0 Comments Category : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

 Évora stands out on a map.

When we get to know this city we quickly understand the reasons that led its Historic Center to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, walking on theses streets is like traveling through time portals between the middle ages and the time of the Roman occupation.

If considering to drive around 20km’s from the city than the time travel will be to even more remote times, to 6000 years BC when the Almendres cromlech began to build. This site is considered as the Portuguese Stonehenge however it has roughly twice the age of the English monument.
The time of the Roman occupation became indelibly marked in Évora and the most visible landmark is the Imperial Temple. But not only in the center of the city the roman presence can be seen, there are many other evidences in places not too far from the city.

A very interesting example is the Villa da Tourega where it is still possible to walk between Roman structures.

Thinking of Romans makes our eyes to give another jump in the map towards South and landing at the Minas de São Domingos (mines of São Domingos) started during in Roman times and then have an interregnum until the mid-19th century when cupric sulphate and sulfur were extracted.
This imperial presence can also be found in the Interior of this region, is the case of Mirobriga, at Santiago do Cacém, where today you can visit this ancient Roman city.

Many other sites are not being referred only to not make a too long post but for sure I will write much more about this region in the future.

This is the land of peace and serenity and where time passes slowly.

Come walk with me in Alentejo.

David Monteiro